Anand Jirge

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Email: ****j@gurujiworld.com
Location: Pune, Maharashtra, India
Current employer:
GurujiWorld Technologies Pvt. Ltd
Current title:
Manager Business Associate/Project Co-ordinator
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:19 AM
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Anand Jirge is from Pune, Maharashtra, India. Anand is currently Manager Business Associate/Project Co-ordinator at GurujiWorld Technologies Pvt. Ltd, located in Pune, Maharashtra, India.

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Anand Jirge's current jobs
Company: GurujiWorld Technologies Pvt. Ltd
Title: Manager Business Associate/Project Co-ordinator
Period: Jun 2008 - Present (16 years, 7 months)
Location: Pune, Maharashtra, India

Delivering Functional Computer Skills Training to the Students/Teacher/Public Sector/Corporate clients, Product showcase, demo to the client, Project co-ordination,co-ordinate the people in the project execution, Generate business leads, followup, arrange demo & meeting with client. Actively involved CSR project implementation in rural & urban area, etc.specially in Education Vertical, School Projects.

Anand Jirge's Colleagues
Girish Prabhu
Founder, CEO
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Prajakta Patil
Head of Business Operations
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Shreegan Jawale
Development Team Lead
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Nupur Verma
Senior Executive Human Resources
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Neelima Nikam
HR Coordinator
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Anand Jirge has 82 colleagues in total at GurujiWorld Technologies Pvt. Ltd. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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anand jirge
Head Training Divisio
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