Angelina Musik

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Location: Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
Current employer:
Wellness by Choice™
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Last updated: 22/10/2023 16:51 PM
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Angelina Musik is from Scottsdale, Arizona, United States. Angelina is currently Founder/CEO at Wellness by Choice™, located in Scottsdale, Arizona, United States.

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Angelina Musik's current jobs
Company: Wellness by Choice™
Title: Founder/CEO
Period: Mar 2012 - Present (12 years, 9 months)
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona, United States

"My son Chris died at 31 Jan 5, 2021 because he didn't know how ill he was until it was too late! Wellness, by choice is personal! My commitment is to reach, teach and empower as many people as possible on how to live smarter and healthier to reduce their risk of illness or death." Angelina Musik Wellness by Choice™ brings together individuals asking 'how' to live a smarter, healthier, more responsible and a higher quality of life with companies, products and services they can trust. This introduction and connection is facilitated through: ♦ PRIVATE EXPO EVENT: a closed to the public in-person expo ♦ BROADCAST: live streamed show of education by its vendors ♦ PRINT MAG: print magazine which its vendors teach through in print ♦ LOCAL/NAT'L REACH: web syndication network across U.S. cities Through this multifaceted set-up our all participating contribute to the mission to educate and empower as many as possible on how to live smarter, healthier and happier “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela.

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Angelina Musik
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