Angelique Mahamat

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Location: Greater Paris Metropolitan Region
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CEO & Founder
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:42 AM
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Angelique Mahamat is from Greater Paris Metropolitan Region. Angelique is currently CEO & Founder at SOURCE APP, located in Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France. Angelique also works as CEO & Founder at ACTIV MGMT, a job Angelique has held since Jul 2017.

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Angelique Mahamat's current jobs
Title: CEO & Founder
Period: Apr 2020 - Present (4 years, 9 months)
Location: Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

SOURCE APP, c'est LA première app e-commerce en circuit court qui réunit le meilleur de ce que nos producteurs et artisans ont à nous offrir : les produits locaux ainsi que les évènements & ateliers pédagogiques. Ajoutez à cela la possibilité en tant que consommateur de contribuer à des actions sociétales tournées vers nos producteurs, et tout au long de l'année. Pour vivre et consommer durable, directement à la SOURCE 🌱, depuis son smartphone, car oui, #OnAimeNosProducteursLocaux. ___ 🇬🇧 SOURCE APP is the very first app gathering the best our farmers and artisans got to offer : local products, as well as cultural and educational workshops and events. Added up to this, you have the option to contribute to various societal actions through the app, all year long, to support local farmers and artisans. To live and consume sustainably, directly from the SOURCE 🌱, just a few taps away #WeLoveOurLocalFarmers

Title: CEO & Founder
Period: Jul 2017 - Present (7 years, 6 months)
Location: London, England, United Kingdom

Tailored services for lifestyle and fashion brands, and music artists. ACTIV MGMT offers 360 marketing, media and events solutions. - Global brand strategy for a range of companies: BLACKSTORE, The Athlete's Foot, LARUE caps, OVS, Patrick Church, With Marlow, Iridescence New York, Beach Blanket Babylon, L'ORCHESTRE, etc.; - Digital Marketing: social media strategy, brand content strategy, editorial planning, community management, website building, campaign analysis; - Brand and trade marketing partnerships & collaborations; - Campaign conceptualisation and activations; - Content production: music videos, social videos, editorial content for both press and digital; - Global music management and image for Issa Smith and Chance¿vy.

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