Anna Piau

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Email: ****u@freyssinet.com
LinkedIn: anna piau
Location: dijon bourgogne france
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Current title:
gestion projets and spare parts commercial operations pour
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:09 AM
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Anna Piau is from dijon bourgogne france. Anna is currently gestion projets and spare parts commercial operations pour at null. Anna also works as gestion projets and spare parts commercial operations pour ge oil and gaz chez vulcain ingenierie at vulcain ingenierie, a job Anna has held since Jun 2017. In Anna's previous role as a commerciale and chargà d'affaires - commercial and project manager at freyssinet, Anna worked in until Jun 2017. Prior to joining freyssinet, Anna was a mission de responsable dà veloppement commercial at manufacture de textile and held the position of mission de responsable dà veloppement commercial. Prior to that, Anna was a commerciale sedentaire at freyssinet from Sep 2010 to May 2011. Anna started working as rp, rà ception, responsable en restauration at club med in Dec 2008. From Dec 2000 to Jun 2002, Anna was proprià taire de boutique at boutique roz.

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Anna Piau's current jobs
Title: gestion projets and spare parts commercial operations pour
Company: vulcain ingenierie
Title: gestion projets and spare parts commercial operations pour ge oil and gaz chez vulcain ingenierie
Period: Jun 2017 - Present (7 years, 1 month)
Anna Piau's past jobs
Company: freyssinet
Title: commerciale and chargà d'affaires - commercial and project manager
Period: Mar 2013 - Jun 2017 (4 years, 3 months)
Company: manufacture de textile
Title: mission de responsable dà veloppement commercial
Period: Dec 2011 - Jun 2012 (6 months)
Company: freyssinet
Title: commerciale sedentaire
Period: Sep 2010 - May 2011 (8 months)
Company: club med
Title: rp, rà ception, responsable en restauration
Period: Dec 2008 - Sep 2010 (1 year, 9 months)
Company: boutique roz
Title: proprià taire de boutique
Period: Dec 2000 - Jun 2002 (1 year, 6 months)
Anna Piau's education
flinders university
world technological university moscow technological institute
master of business administration,masters
kalmyk state university
Other people named Anna Piau
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Chargé d’affaires / Spare Parts Commercial Operations Baker Hughes Thermodyn
Le Creusot, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
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