Annie L

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Email: ****
Location: United States
Current employer: Bumping App
Current title:
Head of Business Strategy
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:24 AM
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Annie L is from United States. Annie is currently Head of Business Strategy at Bumping App, located in Kennedy Town, Hong Kong SAR.

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Annie L's current jobs
Company: Bumping App
Title: Head of Business Strategy
Period: Apr 2020 - Present (4 years, 9 months)
Location: Kennedy Town, Hong Kong SAR

•Assist Founder with development of communications, marketing and strategic initiatives for Start-up technology company Bumping App’s soft launch with marketing funnel on Facebook and Instagram on •Develop and critique strategy and input for value-add to create a strategic vision for Bumping App, business development opportunities and partnerships, UX/UI design reviews and feedback loop for developers. •Create strategy, execution and application of decisions for new features and services and refine new business processes.

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