Anthony Pollicella

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Email: ****a@yahoo.com
Location: Brighton, Michigan, United States
Current employer: Pollicella Insurance Agency
Current title:
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:38 AM
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Anthony Pollicella is from Brighton, Michigan, United States. Anthony is currently Owner at Pollicella Insurance Agency, located in Brighton, Michigan, United States.

Anthony Pollicella's email is available on Finalscout.com free of charge. This database has a wealth of information on over half a billion business professionals and two hundred million companies.

Anthony Pollicella's current jobs
Title: Owner
Period: Aug 2008 - Present (16 years, 5 months)
Location: Brighton, Michigan, United States

Educating individuals and small business owners on how to protect their assets, manage their risk and limit their liability with health, life, property and liability insurance products. Non client related responsibilities are to set organizational sales and performance goals, develop and increase website and on-line presences, recruiting and training new staff and agent. Additionally, review P&L, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and HIPPA/HITECH policies.

Anthony Pollicella's Colleagues
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Brighton, Michigan, United States
Anthony Pollicella has 1 colleagues in total at Pollicella Insurance Agency. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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Anthony Pollicella
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