Anthony Roach

Director, CAR T Global Supply Chain at Celgene
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LinkedIn: Anthony Roach
Location: Summit, New Jersey, United States
Current employer: Celgene
Current title:
Director, Global CAR T Supply Chain
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:52 AM
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Anthony Roach is from Summit, New Jersey, United States. Anthony is currently Director, Global CAR T Supply Chain at Celgene, located in Summit, New Jersey, United States. In Anthony's previous role as a Director, Chief of Staff, Global CAR T Supply Chain at Celgene, Anthony worked in until Aug 2018.

You can find Anthony Roach's email address at FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Anthony Roach's current jobs
Company: Celgene
Title: Director, Global CAR T Supply Chain
Period: Sep 2018 - Present (6 years, 3 months)
Location: Summit, New Jersey, United States

Lead - Product Lead, Operations Research

Anthony Roach's past jobs
Company: Celgene
Title: Director, Chief of Staff, Global CAR T Supply Chain
Period: Feb 2018 - Aug 2018 (6 months)
Anthony Roach's education
Purdue University
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
Purdue University
University and Industry Co-operative Engineering Education Certificate
Anthony Roach's top skills
Six Sigma Capacity and Utilization Project Management Continuous Improvement Process Improvement Team Building Supply Chain Management Emotional Intelligence - Interpersonal Skills Strategy Strategic Supply Planning Cross Functional Team Building Quality System Supply Network Planning International Supply Planning Cross-functional Team Leadership Manufacturing GMP Capacity Planning Quality Assurance Profit Maximization
Anthony Roach's Colleagues
Shah Ahmad
Assoc. Director, Cell Therapy External Manufacturing & Strategic Sourcing, Celgene
Art Malian
Exec Director IT, Head of Cell Therapy Digital Platform
Summit, New Jersey, United States
Cheryl Paprota
Associate Director, Global Quality Systems
Summit, New Jersey, United States
Jeffrey Mahoney
Vice President, US Hematology/Oncology Sales and Commercial Learning
Summit, New Jersey, United States
Brice Galea
Associate Director, Global Engineering
Summit, New Jersey, United States
Anthony Roach has 3.5K+ colleagues in total at Celgene. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Anthony Roach
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Carlsbad, California, United States
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