Anthony Simonie

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Austin, Texas, United States
Current employer:
National Association Of Professional Home Care - Currently Serving Owners, Directors & Mktg Managers
Current title:
CEO/ Co-Founder
Last updated: 25/08/2023 17:29 PM
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Anthony Simonie is from Austin, Texas, United States. Anthony is currently CEO/ Co-Founder at National Association Of Professional Home Care - Currently Serving Owners, Directors & Mktg Managers.

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Anthony Simonie's current jobs
Company: National Association Of Professional Home Care - Currently Serving Owners, Directors & Mktg Managers
Title: CEO/ Co-Founder
Period: Jan 2014 - Present (11 years)

At the NAPHC, we have created Complete, Online Turnkey Marketing Systems, Training and Consulting, that not only creates a consistent flow of leads for our clients...but also allows them to become the AUTHORITY and TRUSTED advisor, while DOMINATING their local marketplace. Sound good? Keep reading.... We work exclusively with Owners, Directors, and Marketing Mangers, (Independently Owned & Franchised) who sell services in the Home Care, Home Healthcare, Home Hospice, Assisted Living (Senior Living), Adult Daycare, Senior Moving and other Senior Care Related Markets, who want to generate MORE leads, attract MORE referral partners, increase PROFITS, while working less and attract more clients. The NAPHC was established literally over a cup of coffee, by myself and partner Pam Witt (who is a registered nurse and has 33 plus years experience in home health), after some life-changing events and in response to increased demand for “real world” relationship-building and profit-producing tools. Currently, we serve clients all across the United States and Canada who use their services to build relationships with their prospects & existing clients, as well as grow the value of their business (for immediate cashflow and future sale-ability) by utilizing them. Sounds great, right? So let's connect & see if we are a fit for your business goals & desired outcomes! Our Ideal client is someone who: 1). Recognizes that the traditional methods of marketing are DYING unless strategically combined with new online channels, AND wants to take action to do something about it. 2). Wants to generate MORE leads, attract MORE referral partners and clients (Including Private Pay Clients), increase PROFITS, while working less. Does this describe either the You of today or the potential You of the future? Send me a message here on LinkedIn or if we aren’t already connected, send me a connection request!

Anthony Simonie's Colleagues
Choppy Wicker
Robin Sherwood
Johnny Sherwood
Internet Marketer
Anthony Simonie has 3 colleagues in total at Sherwood Marketing. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Anthony Simonie
Anthony Simonie
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