Anton Petrov

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Email: ****v@softline.com
Location: Sverdlovsk, Russia
Current employer: Softline Group
Current title:
Lead Engineer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:48 AM
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Anton Petrov is from Sverdlovsk, Russia. Anton is currently Lead Engineer at Softline Group, located in Hammersmith, England, United Kingdom.

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Anton Petrov's current jobs
Company: Softline Group
Title: Lead Engineer
Period: Jun 2016 - Present (8 years, 7 months)
Location: Hammersmith, England, United Kingdom

• Design and deployment of solutions on basic infrastructure and configuration management systems (System Center Configuration Manager) • Development of architectural solutions, preparation of design documentation, communications with the Customers during approval of solutions, performance of deployment works, solving issues within technical support.

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