Antonio George Hajjat Nassour

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Current employer: .Leanga Software SL
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:17 AM
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Antonio George Hajjat Nassour is from Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain. Antonio George Hajjat is currently CEO at .Leanga Software SL, located in Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain.

Antonio George Hajjat Nassour's email is available on free of charge. This database has a wealth of information on over half a billion business professionals and two hundred million companies.

Antonio George Hajjat Nassour's current jobs
Title: CEO
Period: Jan 2016 - Present (9 years)
Location: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain

Desarrollo de software: Paginas web, Aplicaciones móviles, Bases de dato, Sistemas Contables y administrativos, Módulos de prestashop, Scrapers, Protocolos de GPS, Integración y Desarrollo de API”S, Módulos y temas de Word Press, Diseño Grafico, Diseño de interfaces, Imagen corporativa, Iconografía Web, Juegos para PC y Móviles, Gestión de redes sociales, Servicio de Community Manager, Desarrollo de Blogs, Desarrollo de acortadores URL con estadísticas, Desarrollo de tiendas ON-LINE, Aplicaciones Web, Integracion con redes sociales.

Antonio George Hajjat Nassour's Colleagues
Diego Roeder Fuentes
Communication Specialist
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Manuel Alexander Rivera Perez
Senior Software Developer
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Jose Alejandro Restrepo Moncada
Software / Business Development
Leifer Mendez
Software Developer
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Marianna Rolfo
Project Development Manager
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Antonio George Hajjat Nassour has 17 colleagues in total at .Leanga Software SL. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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