April N

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Plainfield, Illinois, United States
Current employer: April Neill Public Relations
Current title:
CEO / Principal Consultant
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:49 AM
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April N is from Plainfield, Illinois, United States. April is currently CEO / Principal Consultant at April Neill Public Relations, located in Plainfield, Illinois, United States.

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April N's current jobs
Title: CEO / Principal Consultant
Period: Jan 2012 - Present (13 years)
Location: Plainfield, Illinois, United States

April Neill Public Relations (ANPR), a division of April Neill & Associates is an innovative media communications and digital marketing firm designed to meet the needs of today’s small businesses. Featuring big agency results for boutique firm rates, ANPR offers focused attention, dedication, and results regardless of budget and without long-term contracts. Led by industry expert, April Neill, ANPR is uniquely qualified, bringing a history of proven success in delivering creative solutions to clients in professional services, healthcare, not-for-profit, and Christian sectors. ANPR takes pride in offering out-of-the-box strategies with a suite of services specifically tailored to suit clients’ needs. April Neill Public Relations understands that small businesses are unique and require more than just publicity. Offering services that small businesses need most including: Branding, Content Marketing, Digital PR and Social Media, ANPR helps small businesses build brand awareness and gain credibility, get in front of more customers and gain market share, and establish themselves as industry experts. Mission April Neill Public Relations is an innovative media communications and digital marketing firm dedicated to understanding the marketing and public relations needs of small businesses in the corporate, healthcare, and Christian marketplace. It is through meaningful communication and delivering creative solutions that we are able to design and implement fresh and innovative marketing and publicity campaigns that build our client’s brand reputation and impact their bottom line.

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