Arie Brata

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LinkedIn: Arie Brata
Location: 印尼
Current employer: PT Elo Karsa Utama
Current title:
Purchasing Supervisor
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:26 AM
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Arie Brata is from 印尼. Arie works in the following industries: "计算机软件", "办公用品和设备", and "生物技术". Arie is currently Purchasing Supervisor at PT Elo Karsa Utama, located in Jakarta, Indonesia. In Arie's previous role as a Business Manager at PT Bis Infosistem, Arie worked in Jakarta, Indonesia until Jun 2015. Prior to joining PT Bis Infosistem, Arie was a Account Manager at PT Mitra Teleinformatika Perkasa and held the position of Account Manager at Jakarta, Indonesia. Prior to that, Arie was a Project Specialist at PT Huawei Tech Investment, based in Jakarta, Indonesia from Sep 2011 to Jan 2013. Arie started working as Enterprise Resources Planning Specialist at PT Global Teknologi Servisindo in Jakarta, Indonesia in Jan 2008. From Jun 2007 to Oct 2007, Arie was Management Trainee at PT. Kawan Lama Sejahtera, based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

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Arie Brata's current jobs
Title: Purchasing Supervisor
Period: Jul 2015 - Present (9 years, 5 months)
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Arie Brata's past jobs
Company: PT Bis Infosistem
Title: Business Manager
Period: Mar 2014 - Jun 2015 (1 year, 3 months)
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Company: PT Mitra Teleinformatika Perkasa
Title: Account Manager
Period: Nov 2013 - Feb 2014 (3 months)
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Company: PT Huawei Tech Investment
Title: Project Specialist
Period: Sep 2011 - Jan 2013 (1 year, 4 months)
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Company: PT Global Teknologi Servisindo
Title: Enterprise Resources Planning Specialist
Period: Jan 2008 - Aug 2011 (3 years, 7 months)
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Company: PT. Kawan Lama Sejahtera
Title: Management Trainee
Period: Jun 2007 - Oct 2007 (4 months)
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Arie Brata's education
Binus Business School
Swiss German University
Arie Brata's Colleagues
Hans Suwandi
Managing Director
Hendry Sabella
Medical General Manager
Viandaw Kabay
Marketing Manager
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Steven Santika
Change Management
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Joseph Ronny
Product Manager
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Arie Brata has 89 colleagues in total at PT Elo Karsa Utama. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Arie Brata
Arie Dewa Brata
Duri, Riau, Indonesia
There are 1 other "Arie Brata". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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