Arpana Gandhi

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Email: ****
Location: London, England, United Kingdom
Current employer:
Disarmco Holdings Limited
Current title:
Founder, CEO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:17 AM
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Arpana Gandhi is from London, England, United Kingdom. Arpana is currently Founder, CEO at Disarmco Holdings Limited.

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Arpana Gandhi's current jobs
Company: Disarmco Holdings Limited
Title: Founder, CEO
Period: Feb 2010 - Present (14 years, 11 months)

Disarmco is a commercial and humanitarian company dealing in the disposal of anti-personnel mines and stockpiles of obsolete munitions. To date, the operations has been funded by its principals.The company has developed the world's first truck transportable system for the disposal of obsolete stockpiles. 3 patents have been filed on 3 unique and innovative processes, offering an attractive solution. Our approach does not create pink water, is safer, cheaper and environmentally friendly as the unit is assembled and operated on site. This process gives significant benefits for Governments as recyclable by-products will further reduce their net costs. With global access to senior members of the Defence community, Disarmco has garnered support from National and International NGO's, United Nations and commercial organisations.

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