Arwa Samara

Bachelors Degree at University of Jordan
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LinkedIn: Arwa Samara
Location: 约旦
Current employer:
Jordan University Hospital
Current title:
Chief, Division of Drug Supply
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:51 PM
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Arwa Samara is from 约旦. Arwa works in the following industries: "招聘", and "医院和护理". Arwa is currently Chief, Division of Drug Supply at Jordan University Hospital. Arwa also works as Chief, Division of Drug Supply at Jordan University Hospital, a job Arwa has held since Oct 2010. Another title Arwa currently holds is Chief of Medication Supply Division at Pharmacist Recruitment Outsourcing. In Arwa's previous role as a Senior Pharmacist at Jordan University Hospital, Arwa worked in until Oct 2010. Prior to joining Jordan University Hospital, Arwa was a Export Market Registration Specialist at THE UNITED PHARMACEUTICALS MFG. CO. LTD and held the position of Export Market Registration Specialist.

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Arwa Samara's current jobs
Company: Jordan University Hospital
Title: Chief, Division of Drug Supply

* Secure the hospital's need of the various medications and follow-up inventory to ensure the medicines availability at all times and make bids on the arrival of the stock to buffer. ; * Follow-up adherence to the fundamentals of safety measures in the warehouse and ways of appropriate storage in accordance to the international and HCAC standards. ; * Prepare lists of the annual hospital's need of the medications, basically thorough studying of each item specification according to the annual/monthly Average consumption and estimate the total budget of annual bids on the basis of previous prices. ; * Key person in the medication and medical equipments Tenders committee, in which we make sure to study the offers provided by pharmaceutical institutes and select the best offers. * Handling the consultants and physicians in addition to patients and Medical representatives' issues or complaints, and ensuring the best customer satisfaction and drug availability for in need patients. ; * Ware house staff management. PROFESSIONAL SKILLS AND ACTIVITIES: -Excellent language skills and experience in training new staff with excellent training and teaching skills as a senior pharmacist. .-Customer Care and negotiation skills. -Team work, Team leadership and Time management. - Clinical pharmacy, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacovigillance ;

Company: Jordan University Hospital
Title: Chief, Division of Drug Supply
Period: Oct 2010 - Present (14 years, 3 months)

• Secure the hospital's need of the various medications and follow-up inventory to ensure the medicines availability at all times and make bids on the arrival of the stock to buffer. • Follow-up adherence to the fundamentals of safety measures in the warehouse and ways of appropriate storage in accordance to the international and HCAC standards. • Prepare lists of the annual hospital's need of the medications, basically thorough studying of each item specification according to the annual/monthly Average consumption and estimate the total budget of annual bids on the basis of previous prices. • Key person in the medication and medical equipments Tenders committee, in which we make sure to study the offers provided by pharmaceutical institutes and select the best offers. • Handling the consultants and physicians in addition to patients and Medical representatives’ issues or complaints, and ensuring the best customer satisfaction and drug availability for in need patients. • Ware house staff management

Company: Pharmacist Recruitment Outsourcing
Title: Chief of Medication Supply Division
Period: Oct 2010 - Present (14 years, 3 months)

• Secure the hospital's need of the various medications and follow-up inventory to ensure the medicines availability at all times and make bids on the arrival of the stock to buffer. • Follow-up adherence to the fundamentals of safety measures in the warehouse and ways of appropriate storage in accordance to the international and HCAC standards. • Prepare lists of the annual hospital's need of the medications, basically thorough studying of each item specification according to the annual/monthly Average consumption and estimate the total budget of annual bids on the basis of previous prices. • Key person in the medication and medical equipments Tenders committee, in which we make sure to study the offers provided by pharmaceutical institutes and select the best offers. • Handling the consultants and physicians in addition to patients and Medical representatives’ issues or complaints, and ensuring the best customer satisfaction and drug availability for in need patients. • Ware house staff management

Arwa Samara's past jobs
Company: Jordan University Hospital
Title: Senior Pharmacist
Period: May 2005 - Oct 2010 (5 years, 5 months)

* working in collaboration with the pharmacy staff member and other departments (medical ,nursing ,nutrition ,medical records,....) in accordance to the department and hospital SOP's and policies to ensure the best quality of service is provided to our patients. ;

Title: Export Market Registration Specialist
Period: May 2001 - May 2005 (4 years)

Regulatory Affairs Department *(Local/ Export Market Registration Specialist) -Preparation of registration file according to JMOH regulations. -MENA market Registration. -Bioequivalence/clinical studies training at RSS, including GCP guidelines, Annex 13, Protocol reviewing and SOP preparation. -Product Management Department *(Drug Information Specialist /Packaging Specialist) * Information collection from many updated universal references & internet. ; * Leaflets information construction, writing in English mainly, and translation into Arabic using a medical Dictionary and other references. ; * Outer packs, leaflets, labels, aluminum foil design instructions and supervision. ; * Company Packaging Specification Manual Project execution in cooperation with SAATCHI & SAATCHI design office. ; * Promotional material preparation, medical information reviewing and design supervision. ;

Arwa Samara's education
University of Jordan
Bachelors Degree
Arwa Samara's top skills
Leadership Clinical Research Molecular Biology Medicine English Research Negotiation Pharmaceutical Sales Pharmaceutics Data Analysis Pharmaceutical Industry Management Market Analysis Teamwork Clinical Trials Market Access Healthcare Oncology Science Cardiology
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