Ashish Singh

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Current employer: Publicis Groupe
Current title:
Senior Software Engineer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:48 AM
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Ashish Singh is from Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Ashish is currently Senior Software Engineer at Publicis Groupe, located in Paris, Île-de-France, France.

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Ashish Singh's current jobs
Company: Publicis Groupe
Title: Senior Software Engineer
Period: Mar 2022 - Present (2 years, 10 months)
Location: Paris, Île-de-France, France

- Developing data based business solution for Advertising & Media domain to accelerate Marketing and Branding campaigns for various clients. - Develop ETL process and Data Warehousing for Ad Tech data to enable Budget Management and Campaign Data Management. - Develop data solution to improve SEO by Extracting and Categorizing numerous keywords from Google Ads API for Pharma client. - Automating data extraction from third party APIs and storing data over Google Sheets to develop BI dashboards on Google Datastudio.

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