Ashish V Shah

CEO at Dina
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LinkedIn: Ashish V. Shah
Location: Greater Chicago Area
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President & CEO
Last updated: 17/04/2024 13:47 PM
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Ashish V Shah is from Greater Chicago Area. Ashish works in the following industries: "Computer Software", "Higher Education", "Government Administration", "Hospital & Health Care", "Management Consulting", "Information Technology & Services", "Online Media", and "Aviation & Aerospace". Ashish is currently President & CEO at Dina, located in Chicago, Illinois, United States.

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Ashish V Shah's current jobs
Company: Dina
Title: President & CEO
Period: Jan 2015 - Present (10 years)
Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Each day, 10,000 people turn 65 years old, 90% of which prefer to age and receive care in their homes, but don’t know how. Dina is making it easier for people to stay healthy at home by organizing and simplifying access to a large, growing ecosystem of home- and community-based providers. The comprehensive network is enabling consumers, health plans and ACOs to explore, learn and engage with the rapidly growing number of services that keep people happy and healthy in their homes. And, with predictive and actionable data analysis, Dina is empowering a shrinking workforce to better manage and care for their growing patient base.

Ashish V Shah's education
Iowa State University
B.S., Computer Engineering
1996 - 2000
Ashish V Shah's top skills
Enterprise Architecture Software Engineering
Ashish V Shah's Colleagues
Matthew Kelly, CFA
Advisory Board Member, Artificial Intelligence Business Consortium (AiBC)
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Alisha Chander
Guest Lecturer - Data Driven Decision Making
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Sara Ray Stoelinga, PhD
Adjunct Professor
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Dao Jensen
Member Of The Board Of Advisors
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Tanjia Coleman, Ph.D., MSIR (She/Her)
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Ashish V Shah has 179 colleagues in total at Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University Chicago. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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