Ashley Nelson

Senior Digital Media Lead at Ascent Protein
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LinkedIn: Ashley Nelson
Location: Denver, Colorado
Current employer: Ascent Protein
Current title:
Senior Digital Media Lead
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:55 PM
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Ashley Nelson is from Denver, Colorado. Ashley works in the following industries: "Higher Education", "Biotechnology", "Medical Device", "Information Technology & Services", "Health, Wellness & Fitness", and "Chemicals". Ashley is currently Senior Digital Media Lead at Ascent Protein, located in Denver, Colorado. In Ashley's previous role as a Search Marketing & Social Media Manager at Cochlear, Ashley worked in Greater Denver Area until Dec 2019. Prior to joining Cochlear, Ashley was a Associate Social Media Manager at Cochlear and held the position of Associate Social Media Manager at Greater Denver Area. Prior to that, Ashley was a Marketing Manager at Shred Nations, based in Greater Denver Area from Aug 2016 to Mar 2017. Ashley started working as Email Marketing Specialist at Shred Nations in Greater Denver Area in Jul 2016. From Sep 2015 to Jul 2016, Ashley was Marketing Communications Specialist for Dow Building Solutions, Residential Market, North America at The Dow Chemical Company, based in Midland, Mich.. Prior to that, Ashley was a Communications Specialist at The Dow Chemical Company, based in Midland, Mich. from Jan 2015 to Sep 2015. Ashley started working as Communications Specialist at Dow AgroSciences in Indianapolis, Indiana in May 2014.

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Ashley Nelson's current jobs
Company: Ascent Protein
Title: Senior Digital Media Lead
Period: Jan 2020 - Present (5 years)
Location: Denver, Colorado

- Lead all digital marketing efforts for the Ascent brand, including managing development and optimizations on Successfully increased e-commerce sales by 100% YoY through improved search, email and social marketing strategies. - Manage all SEM/PPC/SEO search marketing strategies in order to maintain a 3:1 return on ad spend. Oversee search marketing agency partners to ensure a strong ROI. Manage all strategies for retargeting and prospecting efforts through paid digital media opportunities. - Implement all marketing automation tactics through a new email marketing system. Improved ROI on email marketing 10x in direct revenue through new automation flows. Manage all system integrations including Shopify, Klaviyo, SAP, and several others.

Ashley Nelson's past jobs
Company: Cochlear
Title: Search Marketing & Social Media Manager
Period: Jul 2018 - Dec 2019 (1 year, 5 months)
Location: Greater Denver Area

- Manage SEM/SEO/PPC agencies for awareness, retargeting and lead generation campaigns in order to drive demand across Cochlear's consumer funnel. Through effective agency/vendor management, helped increase overall performance across all direct to consumer and recipient-engagement SEM/SEO/PPC activities. - Lead Cochlear's social selling program, integrating the use of social media in the consumer field team as a means for nurturing candidates towards conversion. Assisted driving new demand for Cochlear technology through social media and field engagement. - Implemented the social care program across all of Cochlear Americas - reducing customer service time on social media by 225% after implementation of program. Continually worked to increase total customers served through social media in collaboration with the customer experience team. - Lead cross-functional teams in paid and organic social media campaign planning and implementation. Assisted in driving continual MoM and QoQ growth in organic and paid social media performance.

Company: Cochlear
Title: Associate Social Media Manager
Period: Mar 2017 - Jul 2018 (1 year, 4 months)
Location: Greater Denver Area

- Manage cross-functional social media team for Cochlear Americas (CAM), driving MoM and QoQ increases in followership, engagement and digital impact across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and blogs. - Lead CAM’s online community strategy in part of optimizing the social experience for customers across each stage of the purchase funnel. Manage all social media channels and blogs in part of the online community strategy. - Responsible for all social media management, social strategy, monitoring, reporting and social care initiatives within CAM. Act as regional focal point for global social media campaigns and collaborations.

Company: Shred Nations
Title: Marketing Manager
Period: Aug 2016 - Mar 2017 (7 months)
Location: Greater Denver Area

- Manage all email marketing strategies - including development and implementation - in order to drive bottom line revenue for all market facing brands. - Manage all social media accounts and strategy to further target audiences progression through the marketing purchase funnel. Integrate all social media efforts into other digital marketing campaigns. - Manage all public relations communications for the company - including writing press releases, pitching to media, managing events and enhancing the company's external image. - Pilot and manage "Shred Day," shredding events, program to drive bottom line revenue as a new business opportunity.

Company: Shred Nations
Title: Email Marketing Specialist
Period: Jul 2016 - Aug 2016 (1 month)
Location: Greater Denver Area

- Managed all email marketing strategies in communicating persuasive messaging to customers to drive and curate leads through various stages of the purchase funnel. - Responsible for driving lead generation and curation through email marketing strategies to directly impact bottom line revenue for the business. - Executed various public relations strategies and tactics as it pertained to each business model - including writing press releases and media pitching.

Title: Marketing Communications Specialist for Dow Building Solutions, Residential Market, North America
Period: Sep 2015 - Jul 2016 (10 months)
Location: Midland, Mich.

- Managed the marketing communications strategy for Dow Building Solutions’ residential market segment for all of North America in alignment to the business’s market growth strategy. Positioned and promoted Dow Building Solutions products and services to the market through media relations, advertising, literature production, tradeshows, customer communications, events, digital and social channels. - Managed the residential marketing budget for North America while optimizing spend efficiencies. - Managed the implementation of an integrated business strategy for the Building & Construction Corporate Citizenship Habitat for Humanity partnership, along with ongoing management of the Habitat and gift-in-kind program for U.S. and Canadian affiliates.

Title: Communications Specialist
Period: Jan 2015 - Sep 2015 (8 months)
Location: Midland, Mich.

- In collaboration with the Public Affairs & Government Affairs (PA&GA) Functional Resource Optimization team and Purchasing function, analyzed and redesigned an internal preferred supplier database to increase supplier optimization and management across global PA&GA function. Managed implementation in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific regions. End result produced supplier selection continuity across PA&GA function, optimizing supplier spend. - Developed and implemented a reporting approach and process for analyzing global PA&GA 2015 strategy, providing measurement to yearly functional initiatives. Communicated reports to PA&GA Leadership Team, providing insight into future quarter planning in function. - Executed internal PA&GA education program strategy to provide global PA&GA employees with the opportunities to expand their knowledge and skills through monthly and quarterly sessions.

Company: Dow AgroSciences
Title: Communications Specialist
Period: May 2014 - Dec 2014 (7 months)
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana

- Researched, developed and implemented a pilot program for Dow AgroSciences Community Success pillar of Corporate Citizenship. Pilot program consisted of developing community success strategies in four global Dow AgroSciences sites in order to increase community acceptance ratings within our site communities. Final result included a corporate strategy for global implementation of community success programming across all Dow AgroSciences sites in alignment with Dow Chemical’s community success goals and strategy. - Supported the overall Dow AgroSciences business digital strategy for rebranding and issues management, with the goal of realigning all Dow AgroSciences websites into the new brand. - Managed and wrote content on Dow AgroSciences social media platforms – including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+. Assisted in developing the corporate strategy for the Dow Agrosciences Google+ account, focusing efforts towards a Research & Development audience. Developed social media implementation guide for the Dow AgroSciences Puerto Rico Facebook page. - Supported internal employee communications efforts – including internal article writing and developing campaign strategies focused on increase employee moral for Dow AgroSciences.

Title: Public Affairs Co-Op, Corporate Citizenship/Dow Sustainability Corps/STEM
Period: Jan 2014 - May 2014 (4 months)
Location: Midland, Mich.

- Analyzed metrics for the Dow Leadership in Action, 2013 Ghana Community Development project in order to understand media placements and social media hits/impressions. Communicated the 10+ media placements and 500+ social media impressions to PA/GA leadership team. ● Continued implementing strategic communications for the Dow Leadership in Action, 2014 Community Development Project for future program success. - Produced 5+ case studies of past Dow Sustainability Corps projects used for internal and external purposes. - Finalized new Dow Sustainability Corps intranet site, including design and written content, in order to increase the amount of internal Dow employee knowledge of the employee engagement program and increase the number of self nominations for future projects.

Company: brass | Magazine
Title: Freelance Blogger
Period: Aug 2013 - Jan 2014 (5 months)
Location: Virtual -

- Pitched and wrote blogs to target young professionals interested in learning about financial challenges and responsibilities in their young careers on an interactive, social media platform. - Blog post, "The Challenge: Graduating in Three Years" promoted by the Central Michigan University Facebook account reached more than 8,000 individuals.

Company: Central Michigan University
Title: College of Education and Human Services Teacher Education Public Relations and Graphic Design Intern
Period: Aug 2013 - Dec 2013 (4 months)
Location: Central Michigan University

- Wrote, designed and coordinated content for the Teacher Education monthly newsletter, The Focus, in order to inform Teacher Education faculty and students about current events in the College of Education and Human Services. - Managed content on CMICH internet site for Teacher Education to promote the Teacher Education program to current and prospective students.

Title: Public Affairs, Corporate Citizenship/ Sustainability Corps/ Global Disaster Relief Intern
Period: May 2013 - Aug 2013 (3 months)
Location: Midland, Mich.

- Created new Dow Sustainability Corps. (DSC), Dow Corporate Citizenship (DCC) and Dow Global Disaster Relief PowerPoints to better depict how programs provide value to Dow, Dow businesses, Dow employees and external stakeholders. - Wrote communications strategy for the Dow Leadership in Action, 2013 Ghana Community Development Project collaboration to organize each involved function's communications stakeholders, audiences, messaging and tactics to minimize repetition in communications efforts and reach the participating functions' communications needs. - Developed DSC project case studies through interviews with past/current DSC employees, and revision of past DSC project case studies, to be publicized on DSC intranet site, internet site and PowerPoint in order to educate Dow internal stakeholders the value and opportunities DSC provides. - Built new DSC external brochure through strategic planning to incorporate the new Dow “solutionism” look/feel into the final product. More than 400 internal brochures and 1,000 external brochures printed and distributed. - Improved functionality of DSC SharePoint sites, including file management, site restructuring and design layouts to increase communication among DSC and DCC team. Provide communication materials, including a SharePoint How-To manual and digital file management PowerPoint to educate DSC employees on the value SharePoint provides. - Revised current DSC intranet/internet sites by organizing photo files of DSC projects, audio sound byte testimonials of DSC employees and DSC video files to help contribute to a maximized audience reach.

Company: Central Michigan University
Title: Mock Interviewer
Period: Nov 2012 - Apr 2013 (5 months)
Location: Central Michigan University Career Services

- Conducted four interviews a week with Central Michigan University students while critiquing each interview in areas of improvement to enhance students' interviewing professionalism. - Promoted the Mock Interview Program throughout CMU's campus by pitching the program to classes, organizations and individuals in order to increase student signups for mock interviews.

Ashley Nelson's education
Central Michigan University
Bachelor of Applied Arts
2011 - 2014
Ashley Nelson's top skills
Corporate Citizenship Communications Digital Media Employee Communications Social Media Event Planning Blogging Public Relations Integrated Marketing Strategic Communications Oral & Written Communication Skills Media Relations Internal Communications Editing Written & Oral Presentation Skills Newsletters Personal Branding Journalism Facebook Graphic Design Web Design
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