Ashraf El Khatib MBA CFA

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Email: ****
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Current employer:
Ekuity Holding
Current title:
Chief Investment Officer
Last updated: 10/10/2023 17:14 PM
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Ashraf El Khatib MBA CFA is from Cairo, Egypt. Ashraf El is currently Chief Investment Officer at Ekuity Holding, located in Markaz Abo El Nomros, Al Jizah, Egypt.

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Ashraf El Khatib MBA CFA's current jobs
Company: Ekuity Holding
Title: Chief Investment Officer
Period: Jun 2018 - Present (6 years, 7 months)
Location: Markaz Abo El Nomros, Al Jizah, Egypt

Responsible for managing and deploying a $100m private equity investments in Egypt. Ekuity Holding, is an investment company fully owned by Kuwait Investment Authority (“KIA”). KIA is one of the largest sovereign wealth funds in the world. Ekuity Holding was established to become KIA's investment arm in Egypt and to become the umbrella of all its investments. Ekuity Holding is managing the KIA portfolio amounting to USD 1.8billion (Investment management) and is deploying a $100m fund (private equity).

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