Aurelie Baudry

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Limerick, County Limerick, Ireland
Current employer: McMahons Builders Providers
Current title:
Marketing and eCommerce Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:20 AM
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Aurelie Baudry is from Limerick, County Limerick, Ireland. Aurelie is currently Marketing and eCommerce Manager at McMahons Builders Providers, located in Limerick, County Limerick, Ireland.

You can find Aurelie Baudry's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Aurelie Baudry's current jobs
Title: Marketing and eCommerce Manager
Period: Oct 2021 - Present (3 years, 3 months)
Location: Limerick, County Limerick, Ireland

- Co-ordinate the development of a new website. - Co-ordinate the requirement for advertising and brand building, via digital and traditional channels. - Responsible for managing and updating the website and ecommerce platforms on an ongoing basis. - Analyse eCommerce platform data and customer feedback to improve customer experience and website sales conversions. - Work closely with the Branch Network and Group Purchasing to develop seasonal promotional campaigns and brochures, as well as sales and special offers. - Participate in the budgeting process and monitor and report on the on-going marketing spend compared to budget.

Aurelie Baudry's Colleagues
Eamonn Nolan
National Operations Manager, ROI
Limerick, County Limerick, Ireland
Laurence McDaid
Sales and Operations Manager
Limerick, County Limerick, Ireland
Phillip Oconnor
Hire Manager
Limerick, County Limerick, Ireland
Shane O Connor
Internal Sales
Limerick, County Limerick, Ireland
John Moloney
Group Plumbing & Heating Manager
Limerick, County Limerick, Ireland
Aurelie Baudry has 51 colleagues in total at McMahons Builders Providers. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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