Austin Bierman

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Email: ****n@vas.aero
Location: Boca Raton, Florida, United States
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:42 AM
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Austin Bierman is from Boca Raton, Florida, United States. Austin is currently Co-Owner at Bellechase.

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Austin Bierman's current jobs
Company: Bellechase
Title: Co-Owner
Period: May 2011 - Present (13 years, 8 months)

Worked as a Consultant for Bellechase - Oversees physical operations of the unit as well as preventative property maintenance, construction coordination, public safety , house keeping and other contractual services. -Forecast property expenses, prepare operational reports, and can assist with specialty leasing and marketing programs. -Has a heavy focus on improving Net Operating Income Responsibilities include: -Having a clean, safe, well maintained facility -Standards that maintain the asset value of all center components and enhances customer experience. -Ability to leverage knowledge of the property to assist tenant coordination with unit owners. -Review Tenant/Landloard work drawings and enforcing proper execution -Build and maintain relationships with team, vendors, suppliers, tennants and external contacts. -Effectively build relationships and manage vendors through regular meetings. -Create and manage the Capital plan for the property. -Manage day to day activities as necessary

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