Babak Bob Parsi

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Location: Thousand Oaks, California, United States
Current employer: ERG International
Current title:
Senior Graphic Web Designer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:51 AM
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Babak Bob Parsi is from Thousand Oaks, California, United States. Babak is currently Senior Graphic Web Designer at ERG International, located in Oxnard, California, United States. In Babak's previous role as a Senior Advertising Designer / Web Designer at 3rd Degree Graphics, Babak worked in until Jul 2011. Prior to joining 3rd Degree Graphics, Babak was a Graphic Designer at EDO Corporation and held the position of Graphic Designer.

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Babak Bob Parsi's current jobs
Title: Senior Graphic Web Designer
Period: Sep 2013 - Present (11 years, 4 months)
Location: Oxnard, California, United States

Design flyers, brochures, marketing and advertising material, booklets and price lists, online banner ads and E-Blasts. Main photographer of the company. Expert Photoshop designer from photo editing, clipping, color correction and manipulation of photos for print and web. Helped design and develop the new ERG website using Adobe Creative Cloud Dreamweaver. Web updates for all products and new page creation for new products. Work closely with management to improve all aspects of creativity.

Babak Bob Parsi's past jobs
Company: 3rd Degree Graphics
Title: Senior Advertising Designer / Web Designer
Period: Dec 2006 - Jul 2011 (4 years, 7 months)
Company: EDO Corporation
Title: Graphic Designer
Period: Aug 2005 - Oct 2006 (1 year, 2 months)
Babak Bob Parsi's Colleagues
Roy Zaki
Oxnard, California, United States
Jack Werksman
Vice President of Sales
Oxnard, California, United States
Steven Podhurst
Rebecca Householder
Project Manager / Designer
Oxnard, California, United States
Elias Flores
Production Manager
Babak Bob Parsi has 44 colleagues in total at ERG International. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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