Baffour Asare Wiredu MCSI

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Location: Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana
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Corporate Finance Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Baffour Asare Wiredu MCSI is from Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana. Baffour is currently Corporate Finance Manager at SkyFox. In Baffour's previous role as a Heritage Fund Manager at FirstBanC Financial Services, Baffour worked in until Jun 2020.

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Baffour Asare Wiredu MCSI's current jobs
Company: SkyFox
Title: Corporate Finance Manager
Period: Jun 2020 - Present (4 years, 7 months)

1. FUND MANAGEMENT OF INTERNAL PROJECTS FUNDS. 2. CORPORATE FINANCE AND CAPITAL RAISING ACTIVITIES (Undertake financial analysis, financial modelling and risk analysis on projects and apply the broader appraisal tools such as Environment Social and Governance (ESG), Asset and Management Liability (AML), development outcomes etc. ) 3. PROJECT APPRAISAL FOR EXTERNAL PROJECTS (Due Diligence Assessments Reporting) 4. INTERNAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT, CONCEPTUALIZATION, APPRAISAL & IMPLEMENTATION 5. OVERALL CORPORATE / PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT 6. ASSESSMENT AND EXECUTION OF IMPACT INVESTMENTS ( currently working with Internationally recognized institutions like the World bank, World Vision, USAID, GIZ, Plan Ghana, Slovenia Exim Bank etc. in addition to Ministry of Water and Sanitation, Ministry of Food and Agriculture and other non-governmental NGOs like CONIWAS on various impact projects and investments in the areas of Water, Sanitation, Agribusiness etc. (Develop strategies for Financial inclusion Banking including business models, market analysis; segmentation; and product design)

Baffour Asare Wiredu MCSI's past jobs
Company: FirstBanC Financial Services
Title: Heritage Fund Manager
Period: Sep 2018 - Jun 2020 (1 year, 9 months)
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