Bashar Jaradat

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Location: United Arab Emirates
Current employer: USS21
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Last updated: 03/09/2023 10:23 AM
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Bashar Jaradat is from United Arab Emirates. Bashar is currently CEO at USS21, located in Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

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Bashar Jaradat's current jobs
Company: USS21
Title: CEO
Period: Feb 2013 - Present (11 years, 11 months)
Location: Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

USS21 is a technology, communications, and security company providing Unique Smart Solutions to help the clients secure their business in an intelligent way by differentiating the quality and number of their customers. There are three sectors under one umbrella. • Business Intelligence and Operation Management systems • Security surveillance systems • Smart Educational Solutions Position Tasks To direct, promote, and coordinate the operations of the company in a manner that will optimize the company’s market share and savings, improve the efficiency, help achieve its mission and goals, and result in outstanding customer service. Involve supervision, public relations, and marketing, profitability and sales, service and capital requirements. Maintain a positive attitude that promotes team work within the company and a favourable image of the company. Develop and communicate company goals and results to all personnel  Develop and review budget and goals with staff  Review progress as compared to budget with staff quarterly  Hold regular employees meetings  Develop performance standards  Complete and administer a yearly merit review  Assign individual Plans and provide opportunities for the employees  Continually build personal skills and knowledge Marketing  Prepare and review marketing plans with employees on a regular basis  Setup marketing plans quarterly and annually  Prepare action plans for sales and promotion programs  Profit expectations for the upcoming opportunities  Develop the plans to achieve the sales goals Increase market share through regular sales efforts  Supervise sales staff and sales efforts  Review daily reports  Review sales results with staff regularly Capital Requirements  Setting annual budget for the company expenses, salaries, fees and rentals  Decision maker for approvals before purchasing any fixed assets  Decision maker for approvals prior to the sale of any fixed assets

Bashar Jaradat's Colleagues
Sarah A.
Sales Director
The Palm Deira, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The Palm Deira, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Farah A.
Business Development Manager
The Palm Deira, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Raja Salahudin
Accounts Manager
The Palm Deira, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Unique Smart Solutions
Audiovisual services
The Palm Deira, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Bashar Jaradat has 8 colleagues in total at USS21. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Bashar Jaradat
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Founder & General Manager
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bashar jaradat
bashar jaradat
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