Beatriz Recio Salcines

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Location: Greater Madrid Metropolitan Area
Current employer: Womantalent
Current title:
CEO & Founder
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:19 AM
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Beatriz Recio Salcines is from Greater Madrid Metropolitan Area. Beatriz Recio is currently CEO & Founder at Womantalent, located in Oria, Andalusia, Spain. In Beatriz Recio's previous role as a Founder and General Manager Grupo Mujerespacio at Grupo Mujerespacio, Beatriz Recio worked in until Dec 2015.

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Beatriz Recio Salcines's current jobs
Company: Womantalent
Title: CEO & Founder
Period: Nov 2014 - Present (10 years, 2 months)
Location: Oria, Andalusia, Spain

Founder and CEO of WOMANTALENT, a Leadership platform. We support Female Leadership through Networking, Training and Personal branding. We help professional Women longing for enhance their contacts, education, skills and personal brands. As a result of my work with the most relevant, well-trained professionals, in october 2018, I founded "Mujeres Influyentes de España" (Influential Women from Spain) as a high level network where I reunited the most important leadership professional profiles in my country: Well known CEO’s, members of the Board, politics, scientifics, researchers, academic, artists, business women, writers,entrepreneurs, social personalities and even religious representatives.

Beatriz Recio Salcines's past jobs
Title: Founder and General Manager Grupo Mujerespacio
Period: Dec 2012 - Dec 2015 (3 years)
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