Behzad Imani
Behzad Imani is from San Francisco Bay Area. Behzad is currently Founder at, located in Belmont, California, United States.
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I am introducing not only a stable coin but also a system of finance and banking platform based upon probability functions of stochastic processes operating on economics random variables governed by the laws of quantum physics. My solution is similar to what Nassim Taleb has been lecturing and writing about in Black Swan. In short, I am trying to replace and deflate the Bubblenomics of the Keynesian, Chicago, and Austrian schools of economics with a totally different system of economics and financials where the velocity of money is optimized and kept as constant among people. I called it Quantum Economics. A stable coin, any coin, and any digital currency including BitCoin, could circulate in this system. My intellectual property is in the financial and economic system of Banking as a Platform utilizing the currencies. Moreover, I introduced two digital currencies in my site as solutions A and solution B. Unfortunately, Zuck borrowed my solution B without my permission, added a couple of macroeconomically insignificant, slow varying bonds, to it, and branded it as Facebook's Libra.