Belinda Honey

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Location: Greater Perth Area
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Chair and Executive Director
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:05 AM
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Belinda Honey is from Greater Perth Area. Belinda is currently Chair and Executive Director at MAPIEN, located in National Park, Tasmania, Australia.

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Belinda Honey's current jobs
Company: MAPIEN
Title: Chair and Executive Director
Period: Aug 2014 - Present (10 years, 5 months)
Location: National Park, Tasmania, Australia

At Mapien our team of people management specialists support more than 1500 organisations across Australia. Our services and products are focused on improving efficiencies and optimising people performance to drive business success. Mapien has become one of the largest independently owner people at work consulting practices in Australia - with offices in all major capital cities. We have more than 35 years of history and become one as a result of the merger of the Livingstone Group and SHR. Clients choose from a broad range of services including Human Resources Management, Industrial and Employee Relations, Organisational Development, Business Migration and Contracting and HR Outsourcing. As an owner and Chair of the Mapien Board I also understand the commercial and business challenges and opportunities facing our clients. I

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