Berenice Elizabeth Mabrey

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Location: Owings Mills, Maryland, United States
Current employer:
Precise Management Company
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:17 AM
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Berenice Elizabeth Mabrey is from Owings Mills, Maryland, United States. Berenice Elizabeth is currently CEO at Precise Management Company. Berenice Elizabeth also works as CEO/Owner at Precise Management Co. and The Diversity Race (To Improve Race and Human Relations), a job Berenice Elizabeth has held since Oct 2001.

Berenice Elizabeth Mabrey's contact information is available for free on, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

Berenice Elizabeth Mabrey's current jobs
Company: Precise Management Company
Title: CEO
Period: Oct 2001 - Present (23 years, 3 months)

A corporate and entertainment management and marketing company (Corporate Endorsements and Sponsorships) - We create integrated marketing programs that match products, talent, spokespersons, and celebrities with corporations to market and promote products. Talent and professional roster include: International, World Renowned Singer/Songwriter - Maysa, Michael McDonald and Russell Simmons Music Group's Black Buddafly, Sports Figure and Entrepreneur Eddie George, Various healthcare experts, RSCG, Edelman, Medimmune, Kaneka America, Wilhelmina New York, Chrysler (JEEP), and Fuze Beverages.

Company: Precise Management Co. and The Diversity Race (To Improve Race and Human Relations)
Title: CEO/Owner
Period: Oct 2001 - Present (23 years, 3 months)

CEO of Precise Management Company (PMC), a boutique management and marketing company that primarily works with corporate and entertainment clients to create, shape and implement projects and programs. Founder/CEO of The Diversity Race (To Improve Race and Human Relations), a Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Awareness Campaign to help improve race and human relations in a peaceful manner by working to inform, educate and bring people together in an effort to share exchanges, experiences and goals that will help us to embrace our differences. The ultimate goal is to bridge the gaps that divide us and work toward solutions in a fun and uplifting way.

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