Bernardo Claro Da Fonseca

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Location: São Paulo, Brazil
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Ambaar Lounge
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:46 AM
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Bernardo Claro Da Fonseca is from São Paulo, Brazil. Bernardo Claro is currently President at Ambaar Lounge, located in Agudos, São Paulo, Brazil. Bernardo Claro also works as PRESIDENT & CEO at IN FLIGHT SOLUTIONS GROUP, a job Bernardo Claro has held since Mar 2003.

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Bernardo Claro Da Fonseca's current jobs
Company: Ambaar Lounge
Title: President
Period: Oct 2013 - Present (11 years, 3 months)
Location: Agudos, São Paulo, Brazil

Ambaar Lounge is the unique experience in airport lounges, providing turn key solutions for lounge design, construction and management. We proudly operate Lounges for customers like Star Alliance, Bradesco, American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Priority Pass and many other prestigious brands. If your company needs a new lounge or to refresh an existing one, Ambaar is the solution for redesigning operations, services, facilities, customer satisfaction, comercial boosting and lounge awareness.

Period: Mar 2003 - Present (21 years, 10 months)
Location: Loures, Lisbon, Portugal

In Flight Solutions group is an airport services provider acting in the following expertises: - IFS E&M, SA - EASA part 145 MRO certified company for cargo components, catering equipment, GSE MRO, GSE design and production; - SPITFIRE, SA - Passengers handling services, Check-in, Lost & Found, Meet & Great, transits management, Lounge services and Aircraft Cleaning Services; IFS Training & Consulting - Certified behavioral and technical training.

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