Bernd Büttner

Head of Mechanical Engineering bei Novotechnik
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LinkedIn: Bernd Büttner
Location: Stuttgart Region
Current employer:
Novotechnik Messwertaufnehmer OHG
Current title:
Head of Mechanical Engineering
Last updated: 29/03/2024 17:09 PM
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Bernd Büttner is from Stuttgart Region. Bernd is currently Head of Mechanical Engineering at Novotechnik Messwertaufnehmer OHG, located in Greater Stuttgart Area. In Bernd's previous role as a Division Manager Linear Sensors at Novotechnik Messwertaufnehmer OHG, Bernd worked in Greater Stuttgart Area until Dec 2013. Prior to joining Novotechnik Messwertaufnehmer OHG, Bernd was a Head of Department Technical Marketing Linear Sensors at Novotechnik Messwertaufnehmer OHG and held the position of Head of Department Technical Marketing Linear Sensors at Greater Stuttgart Area. Prior to that, Bernd was a Head of Department Technical Sales at Novotechnik Messwertaufnehmer OHG, based in Greater Stuttgart Area from Oct 1996 to Dec 2003. Bernd started working as Design Engineer at Novotechnik Messwertaufnehmer OHG in Greater Stuttgart Area in Feb 1992.

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Bernd Büttner's current jobs
Company: Novotechnik Messwertaufnehmer OHG
Title: Head of Mechanical Engineering
Period: Jan 2014 - Present (10 years, 11 months)
Location: Greater Stuttgart Area

design of linear and rotary sensors ; potentiometric and non-contacting

Bernd Büttner's past jobs
Company: Novotechnik Messwertaufnehmer OHG
Title: Division Manager Linear Sensors
Period: Jan 2008 - Dec 2013 (5 years, 11 months)
Location: Greater Stuttgart Area

mechanical engineering ; electronic engineering ; technical sales and marketing

Company: Novotechnik Messwertaufnehmer OHG
Title: Head of Department Technical Marketing Linear Sensors
Period: Jan 2004 - Dec 2007 (3 years, 11 months)
Location: Greater Stuttgart Area

linear sensors for use in industrial and mobile applications

Company: Novotechnik Messwertaufnehmer OHG
Title: Head of Department Technical Sales
Period: Oct 1996 - Dec 2003 (7 years, 2 months)
Location: Greater Stuttgart Area

sensors for use in industrial and automotive applications

Company: Novotechnik Messwertaufnehmer OHG
Title: Design Engineer
Period: Feb 1992 - Sep 1996 (4 years, 7 months)
Location: Greater Stuttgart Area

mechanical design of linear and rotary position sensors

Bernd Büttner's education
University of Stuttgart
Diplomingenieur / Master
1984 - 1991
Bernd Büttner's top skills
Produktentwicklung Sensors Mechanical Engineering
Bernd Büttner's Colleagues
Alisa S.
Ruit, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Dr. Cyril Lebon
Abteilungsleiter Konstruktion
Ruit, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Gunther Stegmaier
Head Of Production
Ruit, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Erich Schirmacher
Leiter Innovation und Technologie
Ruit, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Torsten Wegner
Ruit, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Bernd Büttner has 27 colleagues in total at Novotechnik Messwertaufnehmer OHG. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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