Bernice her Feller Thijm

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Location: Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
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Managing Director & Owner
Last updated: 27/03/2024 16:45 PM
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Bernice her Feller Thijm is from Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands. Bernice is currently Managing Director & Owner at JUSTB B.V., located in Amsterdam-Zuid, North Holland, Netherlands.

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Bernice her Feller Thijm's current jobs
Company: JUSTB B.V.
Title: Managing Director & Owner
Period: Jan 2019 - Present (6 years)
Location: Amsterdam-Zuid, North Holland, Netherlands

Diversity. Equity. Inclusion. All popular terms within organizations these days – and rightly so. We want living and working spaces where we can be and become our best selves and by doing so make it possible to excel together. To make this possible it is important to look beyond diversity quotas. What are the challenges you and your organization are facing and how will investing in diversity, equity and inclusion contribute to the solution? JustB sees investing in diversity, equity, and inclusion as a means to building authentic connection, psychological safety, and making space for one’s full potential. Using thoughtfully-designed programs JustB helps individuals, teams and organizations to excel.

Bernice her Feller Thijm's Colleagues
Anne-Floor van Tilburg
Voorzitter Amsterdam Roots Festival
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Janine Driessen
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Kimberley Smit
Zakelijk leider
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Nehry Eyndhoven
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Lianne Kersten
Marketing & Communicatie
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Bernice her Feller Thijm has 8 colleagues in total at Amsterdam Roots Festival. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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