Beth Pritchard

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Email: ****a@nd.edu
Location: Greater Hartford
Current employer:
BETERI Consulting Group, LLC
Current title:
Founder, Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 24/07/2023 11:57 AM
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Beth Pritchard is from Greater Hartford. Beth is currently Founder, Chief Executive Officer at BETERI Consulting Group, LLC, located in Avon, Connecticut, United States.

You can find Beth Pritchard's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Beth Pritchard's current jobs
Company: BETERI Consulting Group, LLC
Title: Founder, Chief Executive Officer
Period: Jan 2020 - Present (5 years)
Location: Avon, Connecticut, United States

BETERI Consulting Group is a high impact and purpose-driven Management Consulting Firm. With over 150 years of combined experience, we partner with leaders to accelerate revenue growth, maximize human performance, solve complex business problems with innovative solutions and deliver bold results. We are client centered and integrated partners. Your success is our goal. Service Areas of Expertise: Strategy; Transformation, Turnarounds & Integrations; Organizational Design and Culture; Marketing; Corporate Social Responsibility; Philanthropy; Advisory; and Executive Coaching. • Developed and lead all aspects of this dynamic company, including developing business, strategic, marketing and technology plans and business development. Recruited diverse and highly talented teams, advisory board and secured intellectual property. • Increased Client Relationships by Over 643% • Achieved Federal and State Certification as WOSB and Minority Business Enterprise • Re-engineered business process - efficiency enhancement by 56% • Delivered 264% YOY revenue growth

Beth Pritchard's Colleagues
Eric Pritchard
President (Independent Contractor)
Avon, Connecticut, United States
Wilhelmina Clay
Avon, Connecticut, United States
Gail Aggison
Avon, Connecticut, United States
Beth Pritchard has 3 colleagues in total at BETERI Consulting Group, LLC. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Beth Pritchard
Elizabeth Pritchard
Managing Director, Chief Data and Analytics Officer, LMI
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Elizabeth Pritchard
St Petersburg, Florida, United States
Elizabeth Jane Photiou
Engomi, Nicosia, Cyprus
Elizabeth Pritchard
Lending Process Manager
Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Elizabeth Pritchard
Theater Staff
Liberty, Missouri, United States
There are 134 other "Beth Pritchard". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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