Beth Silverberg

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Email: ****
Location: Hollywood, Florida, United States
Current employer: The Sports Girls LLC
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 24/07/2023 11:50 AM
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Beth Silverberg is from Hollywood, Florida, United States. Beth is currently Chief Executive Officer at The Sports Girls LLC, located in Hollywood, Florida, United States.

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Beth Silverberg's current jobs
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Jan 2011 - Present (14 years)
Location: Hollywood, Florida, United States

Creator and owner of The Sports Girls LLC. A multimedia, PR, and event management company designed to help athletes and celebrities raise substantial funds for their foundations and 501(C)3 entity’s. Our all female staff hosted the Radio/Podcast series “The Sports Girls Present The Inside Score.” This aired on PodCastOne & Voice America Radio Network for over four years. It was the ultimate multimedia destination for people who love and wanted to hear the positive stories via the athletes and coaches that live it every day. The Sports Girls team is currently working with the NFL Alumni on many levels to expand Alumni membership, identify potential business partners and market athletes with life changing charitable causes. Our show "The Inside Score" had over 180k fans and changed how people view sports, helped many understand the life of an athlete on and off the field, and is coming to SBNation Radio in 2018 on PodCast Arena!

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