Bhayawala C

Marketing Of Steel
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LinkedIn: Bhayawala C . R
Location: Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Current employer:
Bhushan power & steel ltd
Current title:
Asst Vice President - Marketing
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:25 AM
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Bhayawala C is from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Bhayawala works in the following industries: "Mining & Metals". Bhayawala is currently Asst Vice President - Marketing at Bhushan power & steel ltd, located in Ahmedabad. In Bhayawala's previous role as a Marketing at Bhushan Steel Ltd, Bhayawala worked in until Jul 2011. Prior to joining Bhushan Steel Ltd, Bhayawala was a GM - Mktg at Rajinder Steel Ltd and held the position of GM - Mktg.

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Bhayawala C's current jobs
Company: Bhushan power & steel ltd
Title: Asst Vice President - Marketing
Period: Jul 2011 - Present (13 years, 7 months)
Location: Ahmedabad

Loooking after Development of OEM, Govt & Trade business. Product development, Value engineering, Budgeting , Statastical analysis, costing, Contribution, etc etc

Bhayawala C's past jobs
Company: Bhushan Steel Ltd
Title: Marketing
Period: Sep 1997 - Jul 2011 (13 years, 10 months)

Marketing of Co's Product to mainly OEM, AU, Govt, Trader etc

Company: Rajinder Steel Ltd
Title: GM - Mktg
Period: Jan 1991 - Jan 1997 (6 years)

I was looking after sale & Marketing of HR - CRC, Precision Tube, GI - MS Tube, CRFS, mainly to OEM & AU, Trade, Govt sector. also looking product development. Based at CMO - Mumbai.

Bhayawala C's education
The New High School / L D College of Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Bhayawala C's top skills
Microsoft Office Business Strategy Sourcing Marketing Microsoft Excel Negotiation Operations Management Advertising Import Product Development SAP Team Management International Trade Business Development Microsoft Word Supply Chain Management Project Planning Strategic Planning Marketing Strategy Event Management
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