Bill English

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Location: Osseo, Minnesota, United States
Current employer:
The Platinum Group
Current title:
Executive Consultant; Family Business Advisor
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:41 AM
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Bill English is from Osseo, Minnesota, United States. Bill is currently Executive Consultant; Family Business Advisor at The Platinum Group, located in Hopkins, Minnesota, United States. In Bill's previous role as a CEO at Mindsharp, Bill worked in until Oct 2014.

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Bill English's current jobs
Company: The Platinum Group
Title: Executive Consultant; Family Business Advisor
Period: Mar 2014 - Present (10 years, 9 months)
Location: Hopkins, Minnesota, United States

Platinum engages in business turnarounds, growth strategies, owner transitions, executive coaching and conflict and dispute resolution. My role within Platinum is to fill interim CEO engagements, perform executive coaching and work with families for conflict resolution and succession planning. Since being at Platinum, I have worked with several clients: - Currently CEO for a $28M health care company experiencing a turnaround - Family business transition planning for $7M retail company; executive coaching of 2nd generation - Interim CEO for $23M sourcing and warehouse/distribution company in the hospitality vertical - Business assessments for $4M construction company and $6M welding company - Turnaround team member for $18M retail establishment and $70M retail establishment - Executive Coaching for $1.1M business owners, bank Vice President and CEO of $70M company - Lead Managing Difficult Business Conversations 2-day seminar - Personal advisor to minority shareholder who is seeking to sell her shares back to the family business in highly conflicted environment - Assessing the viability of acquiring a company for growth and market penetration

Bill English's past jobs
Company: Mindsharp
Title: CEO
Period: Jan 2003 - Oct 2014 (11 years, 9 months)
Bill English's Colleagues
Tom Hubler
Family Business Consultant, Speaker, Author
Hopkins, Minnesota, United States
Jon McTaggart, MPA
Executive Consultant
Hopkins, Minnesota, United States
Ron Leaf
Hopkins, Minnesota, United States
Becky Amble, MBA
Executive Consultant
Hopkins, Minnesota, United States
Robert Stewart
Hopkins, Minnesota, United States
Bill English has 132 colleagues in total at The Platinum Group. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Bill English
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Senior Vice President of Acquisitions
Suwanee, Georgia, United States
William English
Director, Global Supply Chain Center of Excellence
Kingsport, Tennessee, United States
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