Brad R

Chief Executive Officer - USA at Robatech
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LinkedIn: Brad R.
Location: Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
Current employer: Robatech
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer - USA
Last updated: 20/09/2024 19:26 PM
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Brad R is from Alpharetta, Georgia, United States. Brad works in the following industries: "Packaging and Containers". Brad is currently Chief Executive Officer - USA at Robatech, located in Alpharetta, Georgia, United States. In Brad's previous role as a Sales and Marketing Consultant at Self Employed, Brad worked in Illinois, United States until Apr 2021. Prior to joining Self Employed, Brad was a Sales Director at MS Plastic Welders, L.L.C. and held the position of Sales Director. Prior to that, Brad was a General Manager at Buss, Inc., based in Carol Stream, Illinois from Jun 2015 to Aug 2018. Brad started working as Director of Business Development & Marketing at LEISTER Technologies LLC in United States in Sep 2009.

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Brad R's current jobs
Company: Robatech
Title: Chief Executive Officer - USA
Period: Aug 2021 - Present (3 years, 4 months)
Location: Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
Brad R's past jobs
Company: Self Employed
Title: Sales and Marketing Consultant
Period: May 2020 - Apr 2021 (11 months)
Location: Illinois, United States
Title: Sales Director
Period: Aug 2018 - Apr 2020 (1 year, 8 months)
Company: Buss, Inc.
Title: General Manager
Period: Jun 2015 - Aug 2018 (3 years, 2 months)
Location: Carol Stream, Illinois
Company: LEISTER Technologies LLC
Title: Director of Business Development & Marketing
Period: Sep 2009 - Jun 2015 (5 years, 9 months)
Location: United States
Brad R's education
Illinois State University
B.S., Industrial Technology
1994 - 1997
Elgin Community College
AA, General
1995 - 1996
Brad R's top skills
Distribution Management Heating
Brad R's Colleagues
Dominique Schlenk
Managing Director
Martin Meier
Muri (Aargau), Aargau, Switzerland
Neeraj Sharma
Managing Director
Fabian Renggli
Head of Product Management
Muri (Aargau), Aargau, Switzerland
Rijin Raj
Sales Business Development
Muri (Aargau), Aargau, Switzerland
Brad R has 277 colleagues in total at Robatech. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Brad R
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Vice President of Enrollment, Marketing and Communications
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National Sales Director
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Pompano Beach, Florida, United States
Brad Harrison, R.Ph.
Director of Sales Strategy, Pharmacy
Chicago, Illinois, United States
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Principal, Senior Financial Advisor
Winona Lake, Indiana, United States
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