Brenda Williams

Purchaser at Aquafil O'Mara Incorporated
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LinkedIn: Brenda Williams
Location: 美国 北卡罗来纳州 Rutherford College
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Aquafil O'Mara Incorporated
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:29 AM
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Brenda Williams is from 美国 北卡罗来纳州 Rutherford College. Brenda works in the following industries: "纺织". Brenda is currently Purchaser at Aquafil O'Mara Incorporated, located in Rutherford College, NC. Brenda also works as Accounts Payable at O'Mara Incorporated, a job Brenda has held since Sep 2000.

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Brenda Williams's current jobs
Company: Aquafil O'Mara Incorporated
Title: Purchaser
Period: Sep 2000 - Present (24 years, 6 months)
Location: Rutherford College, NC

When I was hired in 2000, my title was accounts payable for O'Mara Inc. and Filtex North. I was also cross trained in all aspects of accounts receivable. In 2007 after receiving my BA in accounting, the purchaser gave his two week notice and since I was already familiar with our vendors I was asked if I would be interested in moving to purchasing and at that time I knew the only way to move up would be to take it so I was able to make the transition before he left. Of course he didn't show me everything, and some things I had to learn on my own but I'm glad that I did and would do it all over.

Company: O'Mara Incorporated
Title: Accounts Payable
Period: Sep 2000 - Present (24 years, 6 months)
Location: Rutherford College, NC
Brenda Williams's education
Catawba Valley Community College
Associate's degree
1994 - 1996
Gardner-Webb University
Bachelors of Science
2004 - 2007
Brenda Williams's top skills
Purchasing Product Development Negotiation Textiles Microsoft Office
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