Brent Willis

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Email: ****
Location: Geneva, Florida, United States
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Current title:
COO - Co-Founder ProHawk AI
Last updated: 18/02/2024 11:53 AM
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Brent Willis is from Geneva, Florida, United States. Brent is currently COO - Co-Founder ProHawk AI at ProHawk, located in Lake Mary, Florida, United States.

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Brent Willis's current jobs
Company: ProHawk
Title: COO - Co-Founder ProHawk AI
Period: Apr 2023 - Present (1 year, 9 months)
Location: Lake Mary, Florida, United States

Top 50 global start up, ProHawk AI is dedicated to saving lives by making the world a better and safer place. ProHawk AI converts nighttime risks and obscurity to daytime safety levels, at the decisive point in time and is an AI-enabled computer vision company that restores video, real-time, overcoming environmental obstacles. ProHawk is Dell and NVIDIA-backed, ready-now, no-code and deployable at the edge, client, server, or cloud for military, medical, law enforcement and innumerable other applications.

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