Brett Warner

Director, Sourcing and Procurement at Sunday Riley
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LinkedIn: Brett Warner
Location: Greater Houston
Current employer:
Montana Gift Corral
Current title:
Director, Procurement & Supply Chain
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:21 AM
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Brett Warner is from Greater Houston. Brett is currently Director, Procurement & Supply Chain at Montana Gift Corral, located in Belgrade, Montana, United States.

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Brett Warner's current jobs
Company: Montana Gift Corral
Title: Director, Procurement & Supply Chain
Period: Jan 2023 - Present (1 year, 6 months)
Location: Belgrade, Montana, United States
Brett Warner's education
1998 - 2002
Bachelor of Arts
Brett Warner's top skills
Marketing Strategy Purchasing Strategic Planning Merchandising Analytics Visual Merchandising Marketing Training Project Management Social Media Marketing Outlook Customer Service Market Research Inventory Management Management Sales Microsoft Excel Forecasting Assortment Retail
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