Brian Borkowski

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Email: ****
Location: Columbus, Ohio Metropolitan Area
Current employer:
Asymmetric Technologies LLC
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:17 AM
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Brian Borkowski is from Columbus, Ohio Metropolitan Area. Brian is currently Chief Executive Officer at Asymmetric Technologies LLC.

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Brian Borkowski's current jobs
Company: Asymmetric Technologies LLC
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Aug 2011 - Present (13 years, 5 months)

Asymmetric Technologies is a name known and respected by leading DoD contractors, government laboratories, private research facilities, university technology commercialization offices, military leaders and groundbreaking military technology firms. The combat environment today demands rapid and agile development and adaptation of technology to meet emerging asymmetric and conventional threats. Asymmetric Technologies provides the means to achieve that development and adaptation; fielding the latest product innovations, providing rapid integration, and training personnel to effectively employ those technologies in a tactically sound manner. In addition, our product development expertise, coupled with an extensive network of civilian R&D partners, provides cost efficient paths for the integration of new products and technology to DoD programs. As CEO, I am focused on the success of all phases of technology development from planning to implementation and execution. I work closely with our R&D partners to identify specialized needs in order to rapidly and cost effectively develop and deliver comprehensive and adaptable solutions. My unique capabilities lie in an ability to develop these technologies with the end user in mind and maintain a strong client relationship that consistently exceeds expectations and provides continued support at all levels beyond implementation. My goal is to grow Asymmetric Technologies by providing superior quality products, solutions and service.

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