Brian Egan

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Location: Ireland
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The ViberStore Group
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Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:47 PM
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Brian Egan is from Ireland. Brian is currently Co-Founder at The ViberStore Group.

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Brian Egan's current jobs
Company: The ViberStore Group
Title: Co-Founder
Period: Nov 2017 - Present (7 years, 2 months)

The ViberStore Group Limited With 20 years experience now in telecom's distribution, Brian's previous position was that of Sales Director with mobile handsets distributor, Bpi Telecom. Its down to Brian's drive, energy and enthusiasm that he worked his way from Sales manager to the position of Sales Director, and in turn with his direction his sales team drove sales revenues over €110 million that positioned the company into the top 400 Irish Companies in 2008. Through the design and implementation of Buy-Back solutions and thinking ahead of the re-sale channels of used devices. Brian went about setting up a live auction in Asia to supply the growing demand for used phones. With its largest sales year of just under 1.3million devices resold or recycled. Been Ireland's largest distributor at the time it was this position that Brian identified the ever increasing key role, of both Trade in solutions, and waste management, in the consumer electronics industry. The development of this business led Brian to incorporate Surpany Limited in 2011/Trading as Swapkit, the company specializes in the wholesale of used devices and building bespoke Buy-Back and Recycle solutions. Now the need for Online Sales has grown with Circular Economy Companies like ViberStore the control their own eco sales. Buying from one country and trading to their own platforms in another country. Brian is both Chief Executive Officer and shareholder of Surpany Limited ( T/A Swapkit), and Swapkit New Zealand as well as Co Founder and Shareholder in The ViberStore Group.

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