Brian Hatch

President at AO Coolers
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LinkedIn: Brian Hatch
Location: Corona, California, United States
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AO Coolers
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Last updated: 23/06/2023 11:15 AM
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Brian Hatch is from Corona, California, United States. Brian works in the following industries: "Sporting Goods", and "Logistics & Supply Chain". Brian is currently President at AO Coolers, located in Corona,ca. In Brian's previous role as a Transportation Broker at C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc., Brian worked in until Apr 2003.

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Brian Hatch's current jobs
Company: AO Coolers
Title: President
Period: Jan 2003 - Present (22 years, 1 month)
Location: Corona,ca

Manufacture of high end Soft Coolers. Wholesale, retail, promotional

Brian Hatch's past jobs
Title: Transportation Broker
Period: Jan 1995 - Apr 2003 (8 years, 3 months)
Brian Hatch's education
Mt Greylock
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Bachelor of Science (BS)
1991 - 1995
Umass Amherst
1991 - 1995
Brian Hatch's top skills
Transportation Management Project Management Management Microsoft Office New Business Development Retail Customer Service Strategic Planning Negotiation Sales Account Management Manufacturing 3PL Operations Management Marketing Strategy Sales Management Budgets Supply Chain Management Marketing Logistics
Other people named Brian Hatch
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Director of IT (Head of IT)
Reading, Massachusetts, United States
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El Segundo, California, United States
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