Brian M Altenburg Ph D

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Location: New York, New York, United States
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Brian M Altenburg Ph D is from New York, New York, United States. Brian is currently Co-Founder at Highmore, located in New York, New York, United States. In Brian's previous role as a Head of Advisory Solutions, Alternative Asset Allocation, Portfolio Manager - Managing Director at Citibank, Brian worked in until Jan 2012.

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Brian M Altenburg Ph D's current jobs
Company: Highmore
Title: Co-Founder
Period: Oct 2014 - Present (10 years, 3 months)
Location: New York, New York, United States

Dr Altenburg is a Co-Founder of Highmore. Highmore is a diversified, global alternative asset management firm, acting both as principal investors and allocators on behalf of private and institutional clients, with assets in excess of $2.2 billion. Dr Altenburg's responsibilities encompass three core areas: Behavioral Finance and Advisory Solutions, Investment Management, and Business Operations. Behavioral Finance and Advisory Solutions Brian's role as Head of Behavioral finance at the firm centers on his expertise in the area of behavioral finance and the development of tools and thought leadership to support the firm's direct investors and clients, as well as family office, institutional and foundation clients - all from a behaviorally focused lens. Within Highmore's Advisory Solutions business, Dr Altenburg develops strategic direction of the group which provides investment and investment advice to the firm's group of advisory solutions clients who include family office and investment management firms who are seeking additional support as relates to incorporating alternative investments into their client's portfolios, as well as those groups interested in using the unique tools which Dr Altenburg developed throughout his career. Investment Management Within Investment Management, Highmore works with investors across the spectrum from ultra-high net worth, institutional and mass affluent investors, as well as with family office and registered investment advisory firms. Through these clients, Highmore provides full investment management services with a core focus on alternative investments. Dr Altenburg works closely with clients with specific interest in diversified alternative investment portfolios, real estate investments, and with the firm's offshore investors. Operations Finally, Dr Altenburg is responsible for the firm's operations which span locations in New York, London and Los Angeles.

Brian M Altenburg Ph D's past jobs
Company: Citibank
Title: Head of Advisory Solutions, Alternative Asset Allocation, Portfolio Manager - Managing Director
Period: Dec 2009 - Jan 2012 (2 years, 1 month)
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