Bridget C Burke

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Email: ****
Location: Greater Chicago Area
Current employer: Three Lakes Foundation
Current title:
Associate Director
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:53 AM
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Bridget C Burke is from Greater Chicago Area. Bridget is currently Associate Director at Three Lakes Foundation, located in Northbrook, Illinois, United States.

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Bridget C Burke's current jobs
Title: Associate Director
Period: Jan 2020 - Present (5 years)
Location: Northbrook, Illinois, United States

Three Lakes Foundation is a nonprofit organization that serves as a catalyst for uniting researchers, industries and philanthropy in pulmonary fibrosis (PF). We connect entrepreneurs, advocates and institutions to an innovation ecosystem that will transform our approach to improve time to diagnosis and accelerate new therapies. In this role, I oversee execution of the organization’s strategic plan. I engage and align key stakeholders in medical and patient communities, implementing innovative programs that bring PF to the forefront and supporting the organization’s mission.

Bridget C Burke's Colleagues
Dana Ball
Executive Director
Northbrook, Illinois, United States
Sally Okun
Strategic Advisory Committee Member
Northbrook, Illinois, United States
Carlton Tradd Sanderson
EVP - Brand and Marketing
Northbrook, Illinois, United States
Roma Claudel
Executive Assistant
Northbrook, Illinois, United States
Bridget C Burke has 4 colleagues in total at Three Lakes Foundation. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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