Brittany Baumgarten

Global Event Program Manager I Program Management | Marketing Strategy I Content Management | Community & Engagement I Building Connections & Experiences To Bring The World Closer Together
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Location: New York, New York, United States
Current employer: Consultant
Current title:
Global Event & Marketing Consultant
Last updated: 19/06/2024 17:51 PM
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Brittany Baumgarten is from New York, New York, United States. Brittany is currently Global Event & Marketing Consultant at Consultant, located in Canmore, Alberta, Canada.

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Brittany Baumgarten's current jobs
Company: Consultant
Title: Global Event & Marketing Consultant
Period: Nov 2019 - Present (5 years, 2 months)
Location: Canmore, Alberta, Canada

• Specialize in global marketing strategy and events that amplify brand awareness, build community, engage attendees and accelerate business growth • Build and develop global event and marketing strategy, production, and engagement for Global Event programs, summits, conferences, meetings and virtual events for Fortune 500 executives and thought-leaders. • Led the design, production, and execution of the Drone Summit in NYC that brought together 7,000 attendees including. drone start-up entrepreneurs, leading investors, corporate innovation leaders, and curious experts from the construction, transportation, energy, aeronautics, and defense industries • Digital marketing director for Internet Marketing Association, build program membership by 500 members in first 4 months, developing a digital marketing strategy which increase social engagement across all social channels by 234% in one year • Launched and created a ten-city promotional tour to raise brand awareness, generate revenue which resulted in 40% new business

Brittany Baumgarten's education
University of Arizona
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
Brittany Baumgarten's top skills
Leadership Public Relations Event Management Event Planning International Marketing Account Management Market Research Online Advertising Strategic Planning Marketing Strategy Email Marketing Program Management Digital Marketing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Social Media Marketing Marketing Community Outreach Sales Project Management Social Media
Brittany Baumgarten's Colleagues
Fanny Mooijekind
Marketing, Ecommerce and Digital Marketing Executive
Canmore, Alberta, Canada
Camilla Walters
Camilla Walters
Canmore, Alberta, Canada
John Cass
Digital Marketing Strategist
Canmore, Alberta, Canada
Pamela Harper
Marketing & Executive Consulting
Canmore, Alberta, Canada
Joshua Stelzer
Audience Development/ Digital Marketing
Canmore, Alberta, Canada
Brittany Baumgarten has 3.5K+ colleagues in total at Consultant. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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Brittany Baumgarten
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