Bruce Cabral

Vice President Of Business Development at PHE, Inc.
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Email: ****t@phemex.com
LinkedIn: Bruce Cabral
Location: Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States
Current employer:
PHE, Inc.
Current title:
Vice President Of Business Development
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:28 AM
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Bruce Cabral is from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States. Bruce is currently Vice President Of Business Development at PHE, Inc.. Bruce also works as General Manager, Sales, Marketing, & eCommerce at PHE, Inc., a job Bruce has held since Jan 2014.

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Bruce Cabral's current jobs
Company: PHE, Inc.
Title: Vice President Of Business Development
Period: Jan 2020 - Present (5 years)

Focused on providing broad, strategic vision for PHE, Inc., all of its brands including AdamEve.com, AdamMale,com, and EvesToys.com, and identifying and evaluating new growth initiatives on a global basis. Provide broad, strategic input into potential mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures to ensure maximum returns on invested capital and consistency with the overall business strategy. Blending strong internal capabilities with creative, external perspectives, champion new initiatives that will have a significant impact on the direction and performance of the company.

Company: PHE, Inc.
Title: General Manager, Sales, Marketing, & eCommerce
Period: Jan 2014 - Present (11 years)

Lead internet marketing and ecommerce efforts for multiple brands at PHE, Inc., a multi-channel retailer with annual revenue over $100M. Directly manage department of 20+, with P&L responsibility for analytics, content management, online marketing (PPC, SEO, and affiliates), web merchandising, site management, user experience, digital creative, and video-on-demand business. Improved performance across all channels by focusing on process, data-driven decision making, and profitable growth. + Launched and optimized a mobile platform, improved mobile conversion rates 2x, began development and transition to responsive sites across all brands. Mobile revenues growing at over 100% YoY. + Outsourced email channel to Bronto Managed Services, reducing costs by 20%, increasing revenues by 35%, and augmenting in-house resources. + Revamped PPC program, replaced the existing agency, improved returns and increased conversion rates. + Implemented Optimizely coupled with a robust A/B testing program – overall conversion has almost doubled. + Boosted natural search results by 30% by optimizing on site SEO with an effective content strategy and social programs (YouTube). + Completed a competitive analysis and reviewed prices across all categories – increased AOV by 10%. Re-categorized entire product catalog of more than 10K SKUs. Implemented HawkSearch to drive merchandising gains and improved site-search performance.

Bruce Cabral's education
University of Miami
Bruce Cabral's top skills
Enterprise Software Global Business Development Affiliate Networks Cloud Computing New Business Development Strategic Alliances Business Development Start-ups Strategic Partnerships SEO E-commerce Sales Management Product Management SaaS PPC Bid Management Email Marketing Product Marketing Publishing Lead Generation Go-to-market Strategy
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