Bryce Wylde

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Location: Canada
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Wylde On Health
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Last updated: 30/05/2024 15:21 PM
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Bryce Wylde is from Canada. Bryce is currently CEO at Wylde On Health.

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Bryce Wylde's current jobs
Company: Wylde On Health
Title: CEO
Period: Jan 2009 - Present (15 years, 8 months)

Bryce Wylde – alternative medicine expert, clinician, television host, educator, author, and philanthropist Bryce graduated with a B.Sc. Hons. (BioPsyc) from York University in Toronto. He went on to pursue a career in complementary alternative medicine and nutrition. He graduated with a Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Health Sciences (DHMHS) from the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine. Known as one of Canada’s leading alternative health experts, Bryce Wylde is a highly knowledgeable and respected natural healthcare practitioner whose specialty is homeopathy, clinical nutrition, supplementation, and botanical medicine and whose focus is routed within functional medicine. As associate medical director at P3 Health in Toronto, and director of My Health Report, he blends the latest in science and technology with traditional and ancient remedies. Prior to his own show "Wylde on Health" on CP24 in Toronto - and over the last decade - Bryce has been a regular expert guest on many national and international shows including more recently The Doctor Oz show as a regular contributor and member of the medical advisory board. He has frequently appeared on CTV’s Canada AM, The Marilyn Denis Show, Global’s Steven and Chris, The Discovery Channel, W Channel, and ABC's Good Morning America Health. Bryce is also the author of three national bestselling books. He is a partner and director for YouNutrients, a cutting edge company dedicated to empowering you with accurate genomic information with the ultimate goal of improving health through custom supplementation. Bryce’s speaking engagements range from community fundraisers and charity events to health show’s to fortune 500 companies. For speaking engagements or to arrange an interview with Bryce in Canada, please email Rob McEwan at In the US and abroad, please reach out to Mike Danielson at More on Bryce here:

Other people named Bryce Wylde
Bryce Wylde
Homeopathic Doctor, Functional Medicine Nutritionist
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