Cam Myers

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Location: Des Moines Metropolitan Area
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Managing Director & Founder
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:58 PM
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Cam Myers is from Des Moines Metropolitan Area. Cam is currently Managing Director & Founder at ZipPromoter, located in Traverse City, Michigan, United States.

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Cam Myers's current jobs
Company: ZipPromoter
Title: Managing Director & Founder
Period: Nov 2018 - Present (6 years, 2 months)
Location: Traverse City, Michigan, United States

• ZipPromoter® is a digital presence management platform that unifies your marketing across 70+ maps, search engines, voice assistants, directories, and social networks - • Serves as the product and project manager for front-end and back-end applications. • Documents and tests APIs to connect multiple platforms throughout our technology stack. • Presents software solutions to multi-location businesses to close annual contracts. • Implements automation workflows to reduce onboarding time and increase data accuracy. • Designs all sales enablement and collateral used to pitch new business. • Closed an annual contract with one multi-location business for 63 software licenses. DISCLOSURE: ZipPromoter is a subsidiary of CM&P.

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