Candido Ouro Preto

Engeneering Manager at Laboratorio Neo Quimica
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LinkedIn: Candido Ouro Preto
Location: Anápolis, Goiás, Brazil
Current employer: Laboratorio Neo Quimica
Current title:
Engeneering Manager
Last updated: 17/09/2024 18:50 PM
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Candido Ouro Preto is from Anápolis, Goiás, Brazil. Candido Ouro works in the following industries: "Pharmaceutical Manufacturing". Candido Ouro is currently Engeneering Manager at Laboratorio Neo Quimica. In Candido Ouro's previous role as a Engineering Manager at Neo Química, Candido Ouro worked in until Jan 2009. Prior to joining Neo Química, Candido Ouro was a Coordenador de Projetos at Bayer HealthCare and held the position of Coordenador de Projetos. Prior to that, Candido Ouro was a Coordenador de Projetos at Mangels Industrial S.A. from Jan 1990 to Jan 1994.

You can find Candido Ouro Preto's email on finalScout.com. FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

Candido Ouro Preto's current jobs
Title: Engeneering Manager
Candido Ouro Preto's past jobs
Company: Neo Química
Title: Engineering Manager
Period: Jan 2005 - Jan 2009 (4 years)
Company: Bayer HealthCare
Title: Coordenador de Projetos
Period: Jan 2003 - Jan 2005 (2 years)
Company: Mangels Industrial S.A.
Title: Coordenador de Projetos
Period: Jan 1990 - Jan 1994 (4 years)
Candido Ouro Preto's Colleagues
Izabella Landim
Gerente de Meio Ambiente
Flavio Trigo
Gerente Comercial e Marketing
Roberta Alcantara
Gerente de projetos PMO
Daniel Almeida
Gerente Fiscal
Juarez Dahmer
Candido Ouro Preto has 212 colleagues in total at Laboratorio Neo Quimica. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Candido Ouro Preto
Candido Ouro Preto
Hortolândia, São Paulo, Brazil
There are 1 other "Candido Ouro Preto". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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