Carl Henry Salvant

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Email: ****t@snatek.com
Location: Hollywood, Florida, United States
Current employer:
Salvant Technologies, Inc.
Current title:
President - CEO/CTO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:17 AM
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Carl Henry Salvant is from Hollywood, Florida, United States. Carl-Henry is currently President - CEO/CTO at Salvant Technologies, Inc., located in Hollywood, Florida, United States. Carl-Henry also works as CEO / CTO - Founder at Salvant Technologies, Inc., a job Carl-Henry has held since Aug 1996. In Carl-Henry's previous role as a CEO/CTO at The Automated Group, Inc., Carl-Henry worked in until Jul 1996.

Carl Henry Salvant's contact information is available for free on finalscout.com, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

Carl Henry Salvant's current jobs
Company: Salvant Technologies, Inc.
Title: President - CEO/CTO
Period: Aug 1996 - Present (28 years, 5 months)
Location: Hollywood, Florida, United States

Carl-Henry Salvant has over 30 years in the IT/IS Industry, with a proven track record of success in delivering transformative technology to the marketplace. In 1989 Carl-Henry, an entrepreneur at heart, ventured on his own and incorporated The Automated Group (TAG), an IT/IS consulting firm. TAG provided services in the area of Computer Programming, Systems, Network design and Implementation. Growing into a firm of 15+ consultants and support staff; providing IT support in South Florida. In 1996, Carl-Henry closed The Automated Group, Inc. and formed Salvant & Associates, Inc. (SNA), which he later incorporated to Salvant Technologies, Inc. (SNATEK). SNATEK continues to support many of its initial client base & successfully extended its services from Florida to the Caribbean, Central & South America. As CTO/CEO at SNATEK, Carl-Henry leverages his experience from IT strategy consulting, executive leadership, creativity, strategic network infrastructure & security. He continues to direct the company with high energy, fiscal consciousness, and a goal-driven technology approach. Carl-Henry approaches new business challenges with his intrinsic flair for innovation, creative problem-solving, and measured risk-taking to drive consistent bottom-line improvements. He credits his success to building the right partnerships and alliances, which enable him to offer the best innovative solutions at cost effective prices to its clients. Adopting honest business ethics & integrity have allowed Carl-Henry to maintain a high level of client retention and loyalty. Carl-Henry holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering Technology, with a specialization in Microcomputer. He also holds a degree in Computer Sciences and many dual IT certifications from Microsoft, Symantec, Netware and Oracle, to name a few. In his spare time, Carl likes to spend time with his family and enjoying his personal hobbies; photography, riding his custom motorcycle, cooking, fishing, and hunting.

Company: Salvant Technologies, Inc.
Title: CEO / CTO - Founder
Period: Aug 1996 - Present (28 years, 5 months)
Location: Hollywood, Florida, United States

COMPANY PROFILE Salvant Technologies, Inc. is a South Florida company featuring specialists with decades of expertize in the various areas of services offered. Our commitment is to help you design, deploy and support network computing solutions that can translate into a real competitive advantage. MISSION To achieve complete customer satisfaction by delivering high-quality, customized, cost-effective information technology solutions.

Carl Henry Salvant's past jobs
Company: The Automated Group, Inc.
Title: CEO/CTO
Period: Jun 1989 - Jul 1996 (7 years, 1 month)
Carl Henry Salvant's Colleagues
Faisal Mahmood
IT Infrastructure Specialist
Hollywood, Florida, United States
Derrick Larsen
Operations Manager
Hollywood, Florida, United States
Nicolas Leger
Sales Consultant
Hollywood, Florida, United States
Stephan Salvant
Sales Consultant
Hollywood, Florida, United States
Muneeb Ahmad Hashmi
L2 Technician
Hollywood, Florida, United States
Carl Henry Salvant has 12 colleagues in total at Salvant Technologies, Inc.. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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