Carl P

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Email: ****p@checkpoint.com
Location: Frisco, Texas, United States
Current title:
Sr Strategic Account Manager - AT&T Global Team
Last updated: 22/10/2023 15:10 PM
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Carl P is from Frisco, Texas, United States. Carl is currently Sr Strategic Account Manager - AT&T Global Team at Check Point Software Technologies, Ltd., located in San Carlos, California, United States.

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Carl P's current jobs
Title: Sr Strategic Account Manager - AT&T Global Team
Period: Jun 2021 - Present (3 years, 7 months)
Location: San Carlos, California, United States

As a key member of the GTM team, I am responsible for driving the sales of comprehensive cybersecurity solutions through AT&T. My mandate is to focus on the Americas region, serving state and local government accounts (SLED) and promoting firewall and cloud services. In this role, I work closely with AT&T to educate customers on the benefits and importance of cybersecurity, and identify their specific needs to recommend the best-suited solutions. I also manage relationships with customers and ensure the successful delivery of cybersecurity services, from initial engagement to post-sale support. My ultimate goal is to provide organizations with the tools they need to effectively protect their sensitive information and mitigate cybersecurity risks.

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